UMC-UCMAS Indonesia
About UCMAS UMC-UCMAS Indonesia ~blog/2023/6/2/image page program 88f82 2494 116
UMC-UCMAS Indonesia


UCMAS INDONESIA assists your children to discover, develop and maximizing their potentials into the knowledge that will support their aims in the future. Our main focus are our students. We give full attention to get to know every student, make sure that each of them has the chance to progress in this program.
We use personal approach to the children and understand that every child learns in different speed and different method, and we give them chance to develop abilities according to their talents, with the guidance of our skilled professional instructors.
UCMAS combines the traditional learning tools with the modern instructional skills to stimulate child development and brain development relatively, especially abacus as a supporting tool in mathematics learning, is something interesting and fun. Our guaranteed curriculum, is based on the global experience and successful result for years. At the same time, we continue to renew our programs and learning methods to ensure that UCMAS offers the most effective learning experience for our students.
UCMAS is certainly has reputation and qualification in the educational field, that has gained confidence from the parents all over the world for almost two decade. This reputation was built on the track records of trusted performances, the philosophy inspired our students to make efforts and advance and we always try to improve our best service to all the students and their families.
Contact UCMAS INDONESIA to find the genius in your children!